Do-San Pattern Step-by-Step Instructions and Video
(Belt: Gold; Movements: 24)
(Note that the direction you are facing when you start the pattern is considered North.)
Beginning Position: Parallel Ready Stance
01.) Move left foot while pivoting on right foot into a left walking stance to the west while executing a left arm outer forearm block while the right fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
02.) Maintain left walking stance while executing a right arm punch to the west while the left fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
03.) Move left foot a half-step to the north, turn clockwise and move right foot while pivoting on left foot into a right walking stance to the east while executing a right arm outer forearm block while the left fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
04.) Maintain right walking stance while executing a left arm punch to the east while the right fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
05.) Move left foot into a right L-stance to the north while executing a double knifehand block.
06.) Move right foot and both hands in front of outer shoulders palms forward while pivoting on left foot into a right walking stance to the north while executing a right arm guarded spear-finger strike while the left hand executes a downward palm block under right elbow. Maintaining hand locations, move left foot into a right rear-foot stance to the south while rotating right palm counterclockwise to face the east to break a right wrist grab from the north.
07.) Spin counterclockwise on right foot and move left foot into a left walking stance to the north while executing a high left arm back-fist while the right fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
08.) Move right foot while pivoting on left foot into a right walking stance to the north while executing a high right arm back-fist while the left fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
09.) Spin counterclockwise on right foot and move left foot into a left walking stance to the east while executing a left arm outer forearm block while the right fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
10.) Maintain left walking stance while executing a right arm punch to the east while the left fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
11.) Move left foot a half-step to the south, turn clockwise and move right foot while pivoting on left foot into a right walking stance to the west while executing a right arm outer forearm block while the left fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
12.) Maintain right walking stance while executing a left arm punch to the west while the right fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
13.) Move left foot into a right rear-foot stance to the southeast while crossing fists at the wrists in front of the throat with the palms facing toward you. Move left foot while pivoting on right foot into a left walking stance to the southeast while executing a wedging block.
14.) Maintain block while executing a high right leg front snap kick to the southeast.
15.) Set down into a right walking stance to the southeast while executing a right arm punch while the left fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
16.) Maintain right walking stance while executing a left arm punch to the southeast while the right fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
17.) Move right foot into a left rear-foot stance to the southwest while crossing fists at the wrists in front of the throat with the palms facing toward you. Move right foot while pivoting on left foot into a right walking stance to the southwest while executing a wedging block.
18.) Maintain block while executing a high left leg front snap kick to the southwest.
19.) Set down into a left walking stance to the southwest while executing a left arm punch while the right fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
20.) Maintain left walking stance while executing a right arm punch to the southwest while the left fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
21.) Move left foot while pivoting on right foot into a left walking stance to the south while executing a left arm high rising block while the right fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
22.) Move right foot while pivoting on left foot into a right walking stance to the south while executing a right arm high rising block while the left fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
23.) Spin counterclockwise on right foot and move left foot into a straddle stance to the north while executing a left knife-hand strike to the west while the right fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
24.) Move left foot to right foot then step right foot into a straddle stance to the north while executing a right knife-hand strike to the east while the left fist is brought to the hip palm side up.
Move right foot to end in Parallel Ready Stance